Mark Austin,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and
Institute for Systems Research ,
University of Maryland at College Park.
Graduate-Level Civil Engineering:
Systems Engineering:
Model-Based Systems Engineering and Integration.
Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins.
Algorithms and Computational Tools for Energy-Efficient Building Simulation.
Semantic Approaches to Distributed Systems Behavior Modeling.
Multi-Domain Semantic Modeling and Reasoning for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Recovery.
Machine Learning Algorithms for Observation and Modeling of Urban Systems.
New Project (2024--):
Hobby Project (2015-2018,2024--):
Experimental software development for Whistle.
I am keen to work with new
graduate students in the Civil Systems Program (CEE),
the Masters of Systems Engineering Program (MSSE at ISR) and the Applied Math Program.
Maria Coelho
(MBSE Scientist at Idaho National Labs): Digital Twins for Integrated Energy Systems
Sachraa Borjigin
(Postdoc at University of Michigan): Multi-Domain Semantic Modeling for Urban Operations.
Zihui Ma (Helen) (Postdoc): DoD Minerva Research Initiative
Caitlin Kenney (PhD, Civil Systems): Evolutionary System-of-System Architectures
Naiyi Li (PhD, Structures): AI/Machine Learning for Wind Turbine Digital Twin Systems (co-advised with Chung Fu)
Joel Abraham (MS, Systems Engineering):
Semantic Foundations for Precision Medicine.
Click here for a list of recent graduates.
Publications listed on
Google Scholar .
Delgoshaei P., Heidarinejad M., and Austin M.A. , Combined Ontology-Driven and
Machine Learning Approach to Management of Building Energy Consumption
2018 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, Chicago, September 26-28, 2018.
News (Oct. 25, 2022): Our paper is featured in the
ASHRAE Journal Newsletter
Coelho M., Austin M.A., and Blackburn M.R. ,
The Data-Ontology-Rule Footing: A Building Block for
Knowledge-Based Development and Event-Driven Execution of Multi-Domain Systems,
2018 Conference on Systems Engineering Research,
Charlottsville, VA, May 8-9, 2018.
Also see: Chapter 21, Systems Engineering in Context,
Springer, 2019.
Blackburn M.R., Austin M.A. and Coelho M. , Modeling and Cross-Domain Dependability Analysis of
Cyber-Physical Systems (pdf),
The 12th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SYSCON 2018),
Vancouver, Canada, April 23-26, 2018, pp. 23-30.
Coelho M., and Austin M.A. ,
Teaching Machines to Understand Urban Networks
The Fifteenth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2020),
Lisbon, Portugal, February 23-27, 2020, pp. 37-42.
Best Paper Award.
Coelho M., Austin M.A. and Blackburn M. ,
Distributed System Behavior Modeling of Urban Systems with Ontologies,
Rules and Many-to-Many Association Relationships
The Twelth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2017),
Venice, Italy, April 23-27, 2017, pp. 10-15.
Best Paper Award.
Arellano A., Carney E. and Austin M.A. ,
Natural Language Processing of Textual Requirements
The Tenth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2015),
Barcelona, Spain, April 19-24, 2015.
Best Paper Award.
Austin M.A., Delgoshaei P. and Nguyen A. ,
Distributed Systems Behavior Modeling with Ontologies, Rules, and
Message Passing Mechanisms (pdf),
Procedia Computer Science, vol. 44, pp. 373--382, 2015.
MITRE Best Transition in Systems Engineering Research Award.
Petnga L. and Austin M.A. ,
Ontologies of Time and Time-based Reasoning for MBSE of Cyber-Physical Systems
Procedia Computer Science, vol. 16, pp. 403--412, 2013.
Best Conference Paper Award.
Mosteller M., Austin M.A., Yang S. and Ghodssi R. ,
Platforms for Engineering Experimental Biomedical Systems
14th Annual International Symposium of The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE 2012),
Rome, Italy, July 9-12, 2012.
Best Paper Award.
Click here for older publications.
Last Modified: June 26, 2024.