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CE Amp with Emitter Bypass Capacitor

In electronics, it is often useful to bypass the emitter resistor with a capacitor as shown in Fig. 4.6.
Figure 4.6: CE Amp with Emitter Bypass Capacitor
\fbox {\psfig{file=./413_figs/,width=5.0in}}

This configuration is useful since at midband frequencies, C3 acts to short the resistor RE, thereby increasing the gain. But at DC, the presence of RE facilitates achieving the desired DC bias point. The gain of the circuit in Fig. 4.6 is thus very similar to that in Fig. 4.3, except RE is replaced with $Z_E=R_E\vert\vert\frac{1}{sC_E}$,and Rin is replaced with $Z_{in}= R_B\vert\vert(r_{\pi}+\beta Z_E)$.Thus, the expression for voltage gain of the emiter-bypassed CE amp is
\left(\frac{R_L}{R_{L}+R_C+\frac{1}{sC_2}}\right)\end{displaymath} (76)
If the frequency increases towards the midband limit, then the impedances of the capacitors goes to zero and the expression for gain becomes

\frac{v_{out}}{v_{in}} \approx
\frac{-g_mR_CR_L}{R_L+R_C}=-g_m(R_C\vert\vert R_L)\end{displaymath} (77)
While the preceding expression is fairly simple, if we want to get a specific expression for the frequency-dependent gain of the CE amp in Fig.4.6, we have to put in explicit forms given above for ZE and Zin. Upon doing so we obtain the following fairly messy expression:  
\left(\frac{s^2R_Er_{\pi}C_1C_E + s(...
\left(\frac{R_L}{R_{L}+R_C+\frac{1}{sC_2}}\right)\end{displaymath} (78)
It's interesting to note that when s becomes very large (4.13) reduces to (4.12), which is the expected result.

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Neil Goldsman