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Low Frequency Brute Force Approach

Consider the CE amp circuit in Fig.4.2.
Figure 4.2: AC Coupled Common Emitter Amp.
\fbox {\psfig{file=./413_figs/,width=5.0in}}

To analyze this circuit, we can divide it into the three sections as shown in the figure. It is also useful to replace stage 2 with its amplifier equivalent circuit as shown in lab 2. The small signal equivalent circuit diagram which results is shown in Fig. 4.3.

Figure 4.3: AC Coupled Amp with Equivalent Voltage Amp Circuit
\fbox {\psfig{file=./413_figs/,width=6.0in}}

Since Rin, A, and Rout are already known from the Lab 2, finding the gain just becomes a simple exercise in analyzing a two voltage dividers. More specifically, we can write the voltage gain as the product of the gains of each of the three stages. So, the overall gain is $\frac{v_{out}}{v_{in}}= \frac{v_1}{v_{in}}\frac{Av_1}{v_1}
\frac{v_{out}}{Av_1}$.We now take each stage individually. The voltage divider, which is the first stage, gives:
\frac{R_{in}}{R_{in}+\frac{1}{sC_1}}\end{displaymath} (67)
Recall from Lab 2 that the gain A of CE amp is
A=\frac{-R_C}{R_{E}+\frac{1}{g_m}}\end{displaymath} (68)
The gain of the third stage is also a voltage divider which gives
\frac{R_L}{R_{L}+R_C+\frac{1}{sC_2}}\end{displaymath} (69)
The total gain is thus the product of the individual gains of the three stages:  
\left(\frac{R_L}{R_{L}+R_C+\frac{1}{sC_2}}\right)\end{displaymath} (70)
Where, we found from Lab 2 that $R_{in}=R_B\vert\vert(r_{\pi}+\beta R_E)$, and Ro=RC.

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Neil Goldsman