Min Wu    for President-Elect of IEEE Signal Processing Society

Min Wu 

Vote for Me! Visit <https://eballot4.votenet.com/IEEE>

Voting is open from 16 August 2021 through Noon on October 1st.

Follow the steps below to vote for me.

Step-1: Login to the IEEE online voting system for societies

Election Login 

Visit the IEEE society election site <https://eballot4.votenet.com/IEEE> and login using your IEEE web account.

SPS members (including Graduate Student Members) as of 30 June 2021 can vote in this election.

Step-2: Select SPS Election Ballot

Choose the SPS ballot 

Choose the election ballot of the IEEE Signal Processign Society.

If you are also a member of other societies, you may see more than one ballot on this screen.

Step-3: Select “Society Election Petition”

Select candidates 

1) Vote for President-Elect candidate by clicking the checkbox. You will find “Min Wu” in this first section. Click the orange-colored “Details” to see the bio and statement of the respective candidate.

2) Review the second section on the Member-at-Large candidate of the SPS Board of Govenors. The elected board members represent members’ voices and participate in key policy and decision making of the SP Society.

You must make at least one selection in order to continue. You can choose up to three board member candidates; you can write in other names or select “Abstain”.

3) After selecting candidates, click “Next” at the bottom of the page to continue.

Step-4: Final Review and Submission of the Ballot.

Review and Submit 

1) Review the candidates you selected. You may click “edit selection” if needed.

2) When you are ready, click the consent checkbox at the bottom of the page and then click “Submit”. You will see a confirmation page.

Thank you for your participation and support!

Although undergraduate student members or non-members cannot vote formally, I appreciate your interest in supporting me! You can still help by sharing this info. with your faculty mentors, graduate students, and/or colleagues and ask them to support me.

The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the IEEE.