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Tissue Engineering Biomaterials Laboratory |
University of Maryland Fischell Department of Bioengineering 3238 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building College Park, Maryland 20742 P: 301.405.7475 F: 301.314.6868
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refereed presentations, 2011 - 2012 |
117. CW Chen*, AB Yeatts, JP Fisher, and Y Chen. Fluorescent Laminar Optical Tomography for Tissue Engineering. 4th Annual Metropolitan Biophotonics Symposium. Baltimore, MD (2012). 116. CW Chen*, AB Yeatts, JP Fisher, and Y Chen. Nondestructive Imaging of Stem Cells in 3D Scaffolds. Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology IX. Baltimore, MD (2012). 115. CW Chen*, AB Yeatts, EE Coates, JP Fisher, and Y Chen. Experimental Demonstration of Angled Fluorescent Laminar Optical Tomography for Tissue Engineering. OSA Optics and Photonics Conference: Biomedical Optics. Miami, FL (2012). 114. CW Chen*, AB Yeatts, JP Fisher, and Y Chen. Three-Dimensional Imaging of Stem Cell Distribution within Tissue Engineering Scaffolds using Angled Fluorescent Laminar Optical Tomography (aFLOT). IEEE Photonics Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA (2011). Outstanding Best Paper Award, Third Place. 113. M Shahrokh*, EE Coates, JP Fisher, and EM Powell. Delivering Hepatocyte Growth Factor as a Therapy to Treat Landau- Kleffner Syndrome. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD (2011). 112. EE Coates*, M Shahrokh, EM Powell, and JP Fisher. Controlled Release of Growth Factors as an Intervention for Pediatric Epilepsy. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (2011). 111. CN Riggin*, EE Coates, and JP Fisher. The Influence of Matrix Molecules on Chondrogenic Differentiation of Primary Mesenchymal Stem Cells Embedded in Photocrosslinkable Alginate. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. Hartford, CT (2011). 110. EE Coates*, CN Riggin, and JP Fisher. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenesis and Coculture with Primary Zonal Chondrocytes. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. Hartford, CT (2011). 109. FF Fears*, EM Geibel, AB Yeatts, and JP Fisher. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation as a Function of Scaffold Position in a TPS Bioreactor. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. Hartford, CT (2011). 108. V Belle*, JE Wallace, JF Welter, DP Lennon, MO Wang‡, JP Fisher, and D Dean. Bioreactor Pre-culturing of Human and Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Poly(Propylene Fumarate) Bone Scaffolds Prepared by Additive Manufacturing. TERMIS-NA Annual Meeting. Houston, TX (2011). 107. KM Ferlin*, JP Fisher, and DS Kaplan. Centrifugation Adhesion Assay for Characterizing the Phenotype of Chondrocytes. TERMIS-NA Annual Meeting. Houston, TX (2011). 106. AB Yeatts*, EM Geibel, FF Fears, and JP Fisher. Towards Vascularized Bone: Dynamic Cultureof hMSCs and Endothelial Cells in a Tubular Perfusion System. TERMIS-NA Annual Meeting. Houston, TX (2011). 105. AB Yeatts* and JP Fisher. Time Dependent Effect of Shear Stress on BMP-2 Expression and Late Osteoblastic Differentiation of hMSCs in a Tubular Perfusion System Bioreactor. International Bone-Tissue-Engineering Conference. Hannover, Germany (2011). Outstanding Oral Presentation and Travel Award. 104. J Choi*, K Kim, T Kim, G Liu, T Hyeon, MT McMahon, JWM Bulte, JP Fisher, and AA Gilad. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Drug Release From 3D Poly(propylene fumarate) Scaffolds. Annual AIChE Meeting. Minneapolis, MN (2011). 103. D Dean*, J Wallace, A Siblani, MO Wang, K Kim, AG Mikos, and JP Fisher. The Calibration of Continuous Digital Light Processing (cDLP) for the Highly Accurate Additive Manufacturing of Tissue Engineered Bone Scaffolds. Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. Leiria, Portugal (2011). 102. AB Yeatts*, CN Gordon, EM Geibel, and JP Fisher. A Tubular Perfusion System for the Dynamic Culture of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. 4th International Conference on Tissue Engineering. Chania, Crete, Greece (2011). 101.EE Coates* and JP Fisher. Regenerating Zonally Organized Articular Cartilage Through Maintenance of Phenotypically Stable Chondrocyte Subpopulations. 4th International Conference on Tissue Engineering. Chania, Crete, Greece (2011). 100. EE Coates* and JP Fisher. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Response to Temporal Growth Factor Delivery During Chondrogenesis. Northeast Bioengineering Conference. Troy, NY (2011). Travel Award. 99. AB Yeatts*, EM Geibel, CN Gordon, and JP Fisher. Investigating Increases in Proliferation and Differentiation of hMSCs in a Tubular Perfusion System. First International Conference on Dental and Craniofacial Stem Cells. New York, NY (2011). 98. EE Coates* and JP Fisher. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenesis Response to Extracellular Matrix Molecule. Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL (2011). 97. MO Wang*, JA Thompson, EE Falco, JM Chetta, DM Yoon, EZ Li, MM Kulkami, SB Shah, A Pandit, JS Roth, and JP Fisher. Porous EH and EH-PEG Scaffolds as Gene Delivery Vehicles to Skeletal Muscle. Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL (2011). 96. EM Geibel*, AB Yeatts, and JP Fisher. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation as a Function of Scaffold Position in a Tubular Perfusion System. Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL (2011). 95. AB Yeatts*, CN Gordon, and JP Fisher. Formation of Aggregated Alginate Constructs in a Tubular Perfusion System. Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL (2011).