URL address: http://www.ee.umd.edu/~newcomb/file_transfer/RWN_filetransfer.html
File Transfer page for RWN files
Welcome to the file transfer page
of R. Newcomb
CAS DLP lectures for 2001
Semistate Theory and Design of Analog VLSI Circuits from
Power Point DLP Lectures (semistate.pdf)
A Scientific Explanation of Chapter 13 of the Bhagavad Gita
from Power Point DLP Lectures (GITA.pdf)
Psychic Field paper used for A Scientific Explanation of
Chapter 13 of the Bhagavad Gita (psychic_files.pdf)
Ear Type Systems from Power Point DLP Lectures (EARTYPE.pdf)
The files cross listed below have various items of interest
for VLSI courses under RWN at UMCP.
Microsystems Lab VLSI design page
Contains Spice models, MAGIC Layout tutorial, VLSI examples