We will be using Python3 with Numpy and Matplotlib. The easiest way to get these on your machine is to install Anaconda (a python package and environment management system) Installing Anaconda: 1. Go to www.anaconda.com 2. Select Individual Edition (you may have to hunt) 3. At the bottom of that page: pick your installer: - Windows: Python 3.9: 64-bit Graphical Installer - MacOS: Python 3.9: 64-bit Graphical Installer - Linux: depends on your processor 4. Anaconda will install a lot of things ... - Python,Numpy and Matplotlib automatically :-) - Also: Spyder, Idle, Jupyter Notebooks :-) :-) - ... And a LOT of other stuff ... :-( (Microconda available) 5. Navigator gives GUI to launch shells, Spyder, etc. 6. You can create multiple environments ... Python Reference Material: 1. www.python.org - Extensive docs and tutorials - Also: www.numpy.org and www.matplotlib.org 2. Free Book: www.diveintopython3.net - Available online NB:if you forget the 3 you will get his original book about python2 3. Free course from UMD! https://umd-ul.catalog.instructure.com/courses/introduction-to-python - Not great but it’s free and self paced - Has lots of extra stuff we won't need (e.g. Pandas, etc…) 4. Some Online Tutorials (there are *many* more...) - http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide - https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html - http://developers.google.com/edu/python/ - http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book - This one may not be free... 5. Books: - V. Ceder, "The Quick Python Book", Manning Publications, 2nd Ed. 2010 - my personal favorite - M. Pilgrim, "Dive into Python 3", Apress 2009 - "now available on dead trees!" - C. Beazley, "Python: Essential Reference", Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2009