
This page is for people who are not familiar with linux.

1. Permission

Often, the OS will say “permission denied”, when you try to run/edit a file. Do not panic and follow this guide.

chmod u+x+w filename # chmod: give permission, u: for owner, +: add options, x: for execution, w: for writing.

If you want to edit all the files with certeain extension, try

chmod u+x+w *.extension

2. Change directory

In order to change to specific directories,

cd directory

In order to go to the child folder,

cd child folder

If you want to go to the parent folder,

cd ..

- One good tip is to type tap after typing first 3~4 letters of the file. It will automatically fill in the name.

3. Move file

In order to move a file,

mv current_directory_file new_directory

In order to move a directory,

mv -r directory new_directory # -r : recursively

4.make directory

In order to make a new directory,

mkdir new directory

5.Move file to other computer

If you want to download or upload your file, try this:

scp projectFile good@server:location

if you want to transfer a folder, then,

scp -r projectFile good@server:location

If you want to download a file, try

scp good@server:location/projectfile local_location

Do this code on your local machine