**Secondary Structure using DSSP** The code is adopted and changed from the following script for secondary structure calculation in VMD. [[https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/scripts/sscache/]] This analysis computes the secondary structure of protein residues in time for a dcd trajectory. The scripts needed can be downloaded from below. {{ :secondary_structure.rar |}} ====== Steps ====== - change the psf and dcd in ss_content.tcl according to where these files are in your directory - change the last_file number in ss_content.csh according to the number of trajectories. If you are using a supercomputer other than deepthought2 change this file accordingly. - run ss_content.csh ( sbatch ss_content.csh) - this will give you multiple .dat files containing the secondary structure in each trajectory. you can combine these into a single secondary_structure file for further analysis.This can be done by the following code: for i in {1..40};do sed '1~10!d' sec_structure-$i.dat >> ss_content.dat done the line sed '1~10!d' in above means, we are only taking every 10th line of the secondary structure vs time. To visualize the secondary structure you can use the Matlab file ss_content.m you need to change a few things in this file: num_residues, num_timesteps, step-size, and residue names at the end. You can run this file locally on you pc/mac or on the cluster {{:sec.jpg?700|}}