[[resource]] This page is for people who are not familiar with linux. __1. Permission__ Often, the OS will say "permission denied", when you try to run/edit a file. Do not panic and follow this guide. ''**chmod u+x+w** //filename//'' # **chmod**: give permission, **u**: for owner, **+**: add options, **x**: for execution, **w**: for writing. If you want to edit all the files with certeain extension, try ''**chmod u+x+w *.**//extension//'' __2. Change directory__ In order to change to specific directories, ''**cd** //directory//'' In order to go to the child folder, ''**cd** //child folder//'' If you want to go to the parent folder, ''**cd ..**'' - One good tip is to type tap after typing first 3~4 letters of the file. It will automatically fill in the name. __3. Move file__ In order to move a file, ''**mv** //current_directory_file new_directory//'' In order to move a directory, ''**mv -r** //directory new_directory//'' # -r : recursively __4.make directory__ In order to make a new directory, ''**mkdir** //new directory//'' __5.Move file to other computer __ If you want to download or upload your file, try this: ''%% scp projectFile good@server:location %%'' if you want to transfer a folder, then, ''%% scp -r projectFile good@server:location %%'' If you want to download a file, try ''%% scp good@server:location/projectfile local_location %%'' **Do this code on your local machine**