Projects 4 and 5: Secure Log File

ENEE 457, Fall 2019

Project 4 (Build it) Due 11/25 @10:59am
Project 5 (Break it) Due 12/9 @10:59am


In this project, you will implement a secure log to describe the state of an art gallery: The guests and employees who have entered and left, and persons that are in rooms. In the setup phase, a cryptographic key will be generated and associated with a particular log. Subsequently, the cryptographic key will be used by the legitimate parties who modify and/or read the log. Specifically, after the setup phase, the log can be accessed by a legitimate party who holds the key via two programs. One program, logappend, will append new information to the log file, and the other, logread, will read from the file and display the state of the art gallery according to a given query over the log. We call the cryptographic key used by both programs the "authentication token," and it is supplied as a command-line argument, by a legitimate party who runs logappend and logread. Specifications for these two programs and the security model are described in more detail below.

You will build the most secure implementation you can; then you will have the opportunity to attack other students' implementations.

You will write your implementation in C. There is some basic starting code available. There are example makefiles available.


Project 4: Build it

You should submit via Canvas:

Project 5: Break it

We will assign you three students' implementations to examine. You should submit via Canvas:

If you demonstrate a working security break, then your vulnerability analysis document only needs to include your description of that one vulnerability, you don't need to go any further.

If one of your assigned implementations doesn't work well enough to analyze, please request an alternate implementation from an instructor.


Project 4 will be worth 100 points:

Project 5 will be worth 100 points:


You will design a log format and implement setup as well as both logappend and logread to use it. Each program's description is linked below.

logread contains a number of features that are optional. If you do not implement an optional feature, be sure to print unimplemented to standard output.

Look at the page of examples for examples of using the logappend and logread tools together.

Security Model

The system as a whole must guarantee the privacy and integrity of the log in the presence of an adversary that does not know the authentication token. This token is used by both the logappend and logread tools, specified on the command line. Without knowledge of the token an attacker should not be able to:

Formal Security Model

To allow for formal modeling, we assume two types of objects: a token object and a file object. A token object consists of the value of the token. A file object consists of the name of the file and the payload (i.e. the file itself). We assume that the setup algorithm takes as input a file name and outputs a token and file object. The logappend algorithm takes as input a token and file object as well as additional arguments. The logread algorithm takes as input a token and file object as well as additional arguments.

An attacker can break the security of the log in one of two ways:

Integrity Game between an attacker and a challenger The attacker wins the above game if F* is not contained in Q and if logread or logappend with token T and file F* does not return ``invalid.'' No efficient attacker should be able to win the game with non-negligible probability.

Privacy Game between an Attacker and a Challenger The attacker wins the above game if b' = b. No efficient attacker should be able to win the game with probability significantly better than 1/2. **We also require that for each pair (A^i_0, A^i_1) the information added by the append query has the same length.

**The above security game can actually be strengthened, to allow the attacker to also submit requests to the logread program. These requests will consist of a file F' and additional arguments A' (i.e. logread, F', A') will be sent to the Challenger). The Challenger will run logread with the token T, file F' and the additional arguments A' and return the output to the Attacker. Now, an Attacker can trivially distinguish whether the logappend commands are being run with arguments (A^1_0, A^2_0, ...) or (A^1_1, A^2_1, ...) in the case that the correct (logread output differs with respect to the these sequences of logappend requests. However, the security definition still makes sense if we restrict the attacker to sequences of arguments (A^1_0, A^2_0, ...), (A^1_1, A^2_1, ...) for logappend and sequences of arguments for logread for which in an ideal implementation the output sequence produced from logread would be identical when the logappend sequence is (A^1_0, A^2_0, ...) vs. (A^1_1, A^2_1, ...). In particular, this is the case for any sequence of (A^1_0, A^2_0, ...) and (A^1_1, A^2_1, ...), as long as logread is never called! This is equivalent to the simpler security game we specified above.