Bruce Jacob: talks & presentations
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Invited Talks
Project Reviews
Research Presentations
(Conferences & Invited)
A Holistic Approach to DRAM ... and Systems.
NC State University, ECE Department,
March 3, 2006.
A Holistic Approach to DRAM.
IBM T.J. Watson,
December 2004.
DRAM: Architectures, Interfaces, and Systems ... A Tutorial.
Four-hour tutorial presented at 29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'02),
Anchorage AK, May 26, 2002.
How Not to Configure Your DRAM System.
Compaq Design Groups in Shrewsbury & Marlboro MA,
November 16 & 17, 2000.
(this is the long version: short version skips some of the earlier slides --
click here for the short version, which has the same slides but reordered)
Architectures for Real-Time Caching.
Second Workshop on Compiler and Architectural Support for Embedded Systems
(CASES'99), Washington DC,
October 2, 1999.
(click here for longer version -- includes notes)
Contemporary DRAM Architectures and Beyond.
Compaq (nee DEC) Systems Research Center, Palo Alto CA,
September 24, 1999.
Cache Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems.
Embedded Systems Conference Summer '99, Danvers MA,
June 30, 1999.
A Performance Comparison of Contemporary DRAM Architectures.
The 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'99), Atlanta GA,
May 3, 1999.
also presented at
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights NY, April 29, 1999.
Software-Managed Caches: Architectural Support for Real-Time Embedded Systems.
First Workshop on Compiler and Architectural Support for Embedded Systems
(CASES'98), Washington DC,
December 4, 1998.
A Look at Several MMUs, TLB-Refill Mechanisms, and Page Table Organizations.
The Eighth Int'l Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and
Operating Systems (ASPLOS-8), San Jose CA,
October 7, 1998.
Software-Oriented Memory-Management Design.
Ph.D. Thesis Defense,
University of Michigan,
July 15, 1997.
Software Managed Address Translation.
The Third Int'l Symp. on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-3),
San Antonio, TX,
February 4, 1997.
Method Invocation in the Face of Anarchy.
OOPSLA Workshop on Object Replication and Mobile Computing (ORMC'96),
San Jose, CA,
October 1996.
A Bad Talk, A Good Talk, A Bad Talk, A Good Talk, Some Thoughts (or: How Not To Suck).
First presented at U. Maryland ECEGSA seminar series, 30 April 2004.
How To Do Research (Well).
First presented at U. Maryland ECEGSA seminar series, 18 April 2003.
Career Paths in Computer Engineering,
So What Are You Going To Do With Your Life?
University of Maryland IEEE Student-Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC).
February 16, 2001.
The Top 10 Lessons I Learned as a Grad Student.
This is a talk that I have given more than thirty times at the University by this point.
It is targeted at both graduate students who have recently entered grad school, as well
as undergraduates who are considering grad school.
The IA-64 Architecture.
University of Maryland IEEE Chapter,
September 16, 1998.
I gave a similar talk at the
Microarchitecture Seminar Series,
University of Maryland,
November 11, 1997.