Modes of Program Input and Output

[ Running ALADDIN ] [ Modes of Input ] [ Leaving ALADDIN ]


ALADDIN's command line arguments are setup in a very flexible way.

The program can be started by typing ALADDIN, the name of the executable program, followed by zero or more command line arguments. A list of ALADDIN command options can be obtained by typing either


by itself, or

    ALADDIN  -h


Two modes of operation are supported:

Input from the Keyboard

    ALADDIN -[ks]

Input from a File

    ALADDIN -[sf]   

Command options have the following meaning:

The command ALADDIN must be accompanied by either the -f flag, or the -k flag. The -s flag is optional. Command line options can be typed in arbitrary sequences.

Recommendation : For anything other than the most basic problem, we recommend that you prepare your problem descriptions in an input file. For example, the command

    ALADDIN -f input-highway-bridge >! output-highway-bridge

will instruct ALADDIN to read blocks of statements from a file called input-highway-bridge and redirect the program output to a file called output-highway-bridge.

Use of an input file will allow for the incremental solution to a problem.


The command to exit from ALADDIN is


Don't forget the semicolon.

Developed in April 1996 by Mark Austin
Last Modified May 25, 1996
Copyright © 1996, Mark Austin, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland